Protocol as established by the Honourable CJN.
- On behalf of the Body of Senior advocates of Nigeria, I welcome our new members and congratulate each and everyone of them for scaling through the rigorous tests in pursuit of this great Honour. Let me remind you briefly, that a Senior Advocate of Nigeria remains a member of the Nigerian Bar Association and has to respect the organized Bar and perform for the Bar, duties when called upon to do so.
It has been said that Lawyers who earn the Honour of being made Senior Advocates of Nigeria, fall into the class of aristocrats in the society. I therefore welcome these aristocrats into the elite class of lawyers who have attained distinction in the practice of law.
Permit me to quickly add, that the Honour conferred on you today, equally requires you to accept responsibilities to do justice to all, to respect and be honest with the Court of law, the Justices, the Judges and to your colleagues. I need not say more about this, because the Body of Senior Advocates – BOSAN has already taken you through an induction course. So, I welcome you once again.